Employer Telework Toolkit
Offering telework to your employees is a key component of a healthy, happy, and productive workplace. When properly implemented and managed, offering telework can be an opportunity for an organization to increase both employee satisfaction and productivity.
Telework can also be utilized as a talent management and procurement strategy to increase employee attraction, engagement, and retention, while also reducing operating costs and providing a variety of other co-benefits such as aiding your organization in its environmental goals.
Vermont’s transportation sector accounts for almost half of our state’s total GHG emissions, more than any other sector in our economy. Reducing the frequency in which employees commute will lower your organization’s carbon footprint and help meet our state’s 2025 emissions goals.
In addition to the benefits of offering long-term telework opportunities, having telework policies in place can mitigate emergency situations by ensuring your organization is prepared to work remotely.
CATMA’s Employer Toolkit includes resources to help you craft new policies, evaluate your current policies, and a collection of best practices.