Bikeshare is an essential option for…Burlington, South Burlington, Winooski.
On October 28, 2023, local Burlington newspaper, Seven Days, published the article, “Bird, a ‘Dockless’ Bike-Share Program, Has Landed in the Burlington Area.” Below is a response to the article about bikeshare sent to Seven Days by CATMA Executive Director, Sandy Thibault
The 23,000+ miles ridden on Bird e-bikes since July 1 indicates that bikeshare is an essential option for people traveling around the cities of Burlington, South Burlington, Winooski.
I sincerely apologize to differently-abled individuals who have found their path blocked. This is not an experience I want for anyone. CATMA pledges to continue working with Bird on mitigating this with continued education.
Some positive highlights of our bikeshare:
- When the previous bikeshare ceased operations July 2022, CATMA received overwhelming feedback asking bikeshare be reinstated. We listened and bikeshare is back.
- Birds provide hard-working, financially stretched folks another option to get to work, appointments, groceries, visiting family.
- A dockless system enables one to ride Bird and park at their destination. It allows people to get to work when buses are not running. It is a reliable option for students and for people who take the train or fly.
For those who see the bikeshare as “absolute chaos”, consider what an essential option it is for someone without access to 24/7 transportation or a vehicle. I understand this dockless system is a new model, but it is our responsibility to ensure everyone has mobility options.
Incorrectly parked Birds can be reported by emailing vermont311@bird.co or in the Bird App. FAQs can be found here.
We are dealing with climate catastrophes of historic proportions. A larger task for all of us is to focus on supporting sustainable options and lessening single occupant vehicles.
Sandy Thibault,
Executive Director