Bus Pass Discounts & Unlimited Access
Riding the bus will save you money and improve your health and well being! It is also a great way to reduce the environmental impact of your commute, it’s really easy and is so affordable, especially with reduced or free fares.

Ride Ready by GMT
Download the app from the App Store or Google Play. Create an account and add funds or connect a card and pay as you go. When you’re ready to ride activate your ticket, then scan the barcode on the glass validator on the farebox. And you’re all set!

Simplify Your Trip with “Transit”
Figuring out when to catch your next bus has never been easier! Transit will help you navigate GMT’s bus system with accurate real-time predictions, simple trip planning, step-by-step navigation, service disruption notifications, and departure and stop reminders.
Bus Discounts
University of Vermont Medical Center provides 50% subsidy per-trip. Discounted funds can be added to your Ride Ready by GMT app account through the Security Office with pre-tax payroll deduction benefit. If you do not have access to a smart phone, there is an alternate option with the use of GMTs Ride Ready smartcard.
Unlimited Access — Free Ride Program
All Champlain College faculty, staff and students ride any GMT bus for Free. To ride fare free you must SWIPE your Champlain ID through the farebox.
University of Vermont faculty, staff and students ride any GMT bus for Free. To ride fare free you must show your CatCard (virtual or physical) to the bus driver. This system will be in place until July 1, 2024. On or around, June 17, UVM will provide eligible riders with instructions on how to continue to access the fare free benefit after July 1.To stay up-to-date please visit: http://uvm.edu/transportation/ride-green-mountain-transit-uvm
Employee Transit Pass Program
City of Burlington union employees working in City Hall, BCA (Church St location only) and part-time library employees are eligible for paid transit commute, 5 days per month. $10/monthly incentive. Download the Ride Ready by GMT app, use your city employer email address to access the incentive. If you have questions, please contact the HR Department.
GMT & CATMA Partnership
CATMA has a long-standing partnership with our regional transit provider, Green Mountain Transit. They operate fixed routes, local commuter routes, LINK Express routes, and ADA paratransit services.