
Find a ride with people who work similar schedules and live and work in nearby areas, especially for those who travel long distance commutes. If this picture fits you, a vanpool may be your solution!
Benefits of vanpooling
- Cuts commuting costs in half
- Saves wear and tear on personal vehicle
- Takes the stress out of getting to work
- Good for the environment

What is vanpooling?
A vanpool is a group of people with a similar origin, destination, and schedule, who share the costs of commuting and ride in a vehicle with 7 or more seats. The group divides the cost of the monthly van rental, gas, insurance, and other costs among themselves.
How does it work?
Vanpools require a committed group of regular commuters. Typically, vanpools appoint one person to be the driver/coordinator who is responsible for maintenance as well, often taking on that role may make you eligible to pay nothing. To ensure an efficient service, we recommend van passengers meet at a Park & Ride and agree on 1-3 stop locations.

How do I find a Vanpool or get one going?
The CATMA team is available to facilitate and coordinate a worksite group interested in learning more about vanpools. You simply get a group of potential riders, contact us and we’ll help you get there!