CATMAChittenden Area Transportation Management Association

Bike to Work Month Events

Picture of a woman riding her bike past flowering trees for bike to work week.

Spring has sprung here in Northwestern Vermont. We are SO EXCITED for bike weather.

Each year, bike-to-work week is your sign to pump up the tires and get outside. This year, we are presenting a list of bike rides and cycling groups to help you get going.

Don’t have a bike? Use the Bird Bikeshare. These electric-assisted bikes make it easy for everyone to get up those hills.
If you work for a CATMA member, sign up for Bird with your work email to get 20% off.

Park Your Carbon is back for bike week!

Parking your car for even 1 day helps our planet.

Use the CATMA app to take your pledge and spare the air.

Find out more about Park Your Carbon here.

Local Bike Rides By Day

Wednesday — May 15

Winooski Bike Gang — 5:30pm at Winooski Wheels

Thursday — May 16

Do you bike to work along the waterfront? We’ll be there with VPoP (Vermonters for People Oriented Places) on Thursday morning from 8:00am to 9:00am with coffee & donuts! Check back Wednesday, May 15 for the specific Waterfront location.

Friday — Bike to Work Day — May 17

802AlleyCat’s Blunderdome — An after work bike ride, “we’ll start at the BTV train station and head out to the box stores in Williston then back, in a bike-mounted drag race.” Check-in is at 6:30pm, rollout is at 7:00pm.

RAR Champlain Island Ride This ride is intended for femme/trans/women/non-binary folks only.

Saturday — May 18

Local Motion hosts the 9th Annual Richard’s Ride in Richmond, starting at 8:00 am.

Friday — May 24

Local Motion’s Island bike ferry starts!

Saturday — May 25

Not exactly during bike week, but we think Old Spokes Home’s Bike Bloom deserves your attention too! Are you interested in bike ridges through the Intervale, a bike show and party? Check it out here.

Wednesday — May 29

For UVM bike commuters, the UVM Office of Sustainability and Transportation & Parking Services are offering current and aspiring bike commuters a chance to get bikes tuned up and ready for the season.

Tune-ups will be held on campus and will be offered for the largely discounted price of $25. That’s 80% off! Spots are limited! Please click here to sign up.

The letters V. P. O. P. in pink, yellow, green and purple.
A picture of Champ, the lakemonster in Lake Champlain.