CATMA’s Telework Toolkit
Telework is a work arrangement in which employees do not commute or travel to a central place of work. Telework offers a flexible schedule, increased productivity and supports a work-life balance. Benefits of telework include that it saves time and money, reduces your environmental impact, promotes a healthy lifestyle, reduces traffic congestion, and increases productivity.
CATMA’s Telework Toolkit is a comprehensive collection of assessment tools and resources that helps organizations establish, implement, monitor, and evaluate long-term telework programs and policies that benefit both employers and employees.

CATMA’s Toolkit for Employers
includes a step-by-step guide, assessment tool, employee survey, and best practices to provide the steps that your organization can take to implement effective, efficient, and equitable telework policies at your workplace.

CATMA’s Toolkit for Employees
includes a collection of resources to support employees who are interested in or are currently teleworking and best practices.