Electric Assist Bikeshare

Bird regrettably informed the Chittenden Area Transportation Management Association on Wednesday, January 15th that their Bird bikes would not be returning to Chittenden County this spring due to the cost’s vs revenue in a smaller market.
updated 1/17/2025

The Bird bikeshare system operated an average of 150 bikes in the Cities of Burlington, South Burlington and Winooski beginning in July 2023, as a dockless system, offering easy to use technology and community-based pricing. Offering another transportation option in our community to get from point A to point B, run errands, or galivant around town all while doing the environment a favor and having fun. CATMA hopes that we can see another transportation option like this in our community in the near future!
2024 Ridership Data

Unique Members
2.7 trips
per Member
3.8 tons
of CO2 Saved

Total Trips
Total Miles
1.3 miles
per trip
10.4 minutes
per trip

135 bikes
0.66 trips
per bike daily
In order to comply with city rules and regulations and to keep everyone safe, please read the important safety information below.
How to Ride
The first step in riding a Bird is downloading the Bird app. It takes a few seconds using this link. You’ll be asked to create an account and add a payment method.
When riding on Bird e-bikes, please be mindful of pedestrians, intersections, and other bicyclists. Please obey the rules of the road and, as always, you must be 18+ to ride with Bird. E-bikes are available to rent 24/7.
Two ways to park and end your e-bike ride:
- In designated “Lock to Zones”, you must park and lock the Bird e-bike to a bike rack or designated parking area in order to end your ride. (Zones include Church Street Burlington, Greenway Burlington, UVM campus, UVM Medical Center)
- Outside of lock to zones, you must park the Bird e-bike responsibly in a designated parking area or on the street next to an unmarked curb in order to end your ride.
The app does tell you how to park based on which zone you are in!
Park in Incentivized Nests:
Bird’s latest parking solution nudges riders to improve parking behavior by leveraging education, incentives, and location-enabled alerts. This feature:
- Educates riders on where to park with highly visible components such as full-screen messages, in-ride reminders and parking pins prominently displayed on the map.
- Incentivizes riders to park properly by offering free credits towards the next ride for every time the rider ends their ride in a designated parking space. Parking locations here.
- Shares details of each parking space including the address, photos and a description of where to park Gives feedback to riders using location-enabled alerts to let them know when they’re in the parking space and eligible for the incentive.
The app does tell you how to park based on which zone you are in
“No Parking” Zones:
- Waterfront Park (including all racks at the base of College Street and those along the water)
- City Hall Park
The app does tell you how to park based on which zone you are in!
Park responsibly at your nearest bike rack or out of the right-of-way:
- Park e-bikes upright
- Do not park e-bikes in a way that blocks, impedes or interferes with use of sidewalks, access to buildings, pedestrian clear zones, transit zones, loading zones, disabled parking zones, street furniture, curb ramps, entryways, driveways and private property.

$1 to unlock the bike, .49c per minute for the duration of your trip.
Community Pricing: The Community Pricing Program offers a 50% discount to low-income riders, Pell grant recipients, select local nonprofit and community organizations, veterans, and seniors. It’s designed to be an inclusive micromobility discount program. To sign up for this program, you must create an account and email proof of eligibility to access@bird.co.
CATMA Member Pricing: Employees and Students at CATMA membership with valid work/campus email address are automatically eligible for a discount of 20% off each trip. Be sure to sign up using your work or school email address.
Getting in Touch with Bird
Anyone can report issues with Birds using Community Mode in the Bird app. Look out for the “️️” in the bottom left corner within the Bird mobile app to access Community Mode.
General Support (Email or Call) Please direct all local input to Bird at vermont311@bird.co if you do not have a Bird account. Bird can also be reached by contacting the 24/7 support line at +1 (866) 205-2442.
Download Bird Contact Flier here.
Please remember…
- Stay off the sidewalks, use a bike lane
- Park responsibly at your nearest bike rack or out of the right-of-way
- park e-bikes upright
- do not park e-bikes in a way that blocks, impedes or interferes with use of sidewalks, access to buildings, pedestrian clear zones, transit zones, loading zones, disabled parking zones, street furniture, curb ramps, entryways and driveways.
- Ride solo, only one rider per bike
- Riders must be 18 or older
- Wear a helmet. Need help acquiring a helmet, email CATMA.